About Sarah
Sarah is an artist who is influenced by science, philosophy and cardiology. Her art practice aims to encourage us to look at our relationship to scientific knowledge, the passage of time and the fragility of human existence. She is fascinated in sculpting with sound and time-based media as a means of exploring the nature of our world, the progression of time and how we understand and experience it.
French philosopher Gilles Deleuze influences her work. She became fascinated by the notion of the Time Image* - the exploration of a medium's temporal and physical aspects; in particular, rhythm, energy and sound. This led her to explore how art and creative practice can entwine with specialists and scientists in order to open up a new discourse.
Sarah originally worked as a nurse on a Cardiothoracic Unit in Sheffield during the 1980s and retrained in Psychiatry during the 1990s, and is currently working as a community nurse. Sarah studied at Wimbledon College of Art and graduated in 2009. She lives in Brighton, UK.
*Gilles Deleuze: Cinema 2 The Time Image
Professor Macfarlane
Professor Macfarlane came to work in Glasgow Royal Infirmary over 40 years ago as a student and subsequently was one of the founding members of the University of Glasgow Department of Medical Cardiology. He was Professor in Medical Cardiology from 1991-1995 and Professor of Electrocardiology from 1995-2010. ​Professor Macfarlane's primary interest throughout has been the application of computer techniques to ECG interpretation. His work has been adopted commercially, and it is estimated that over 20 million ECGs per annum are currently reported worldwide using the University of Glasgow ECG interpretation program developed in his laboratory. He is particularly interested in differences in ECG appearances due to age, gender and ethnicity. As a result, he has influenced recently published international recommendations for the ECG definition of a heart attack. Also, he has established an ECG Core Laboratory for handling ECGs recorded in national and international clinical trials and epidemiological studies, including the landmark West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study.
Tim has a Master of Music in composition at the Royal College of Music, with a particular interest in electronic and electro-acoustic composition. He is a founder member and organiser of the college laptop orchestra and coordinated the college free improvisation group. He has also studied Philosophy at the University of Leeds, Classical Guitar Performance at Trinity College of Music, and spent time working as a database developer and IT teacher.​Tim is particularly interested in exploring the way that we listen to and interact with musical materials and instruments in the digital domain, and in finding new ways of making and listening to music that make use of the extraordinary power that new technologies offer. He designs and builds software instruments for laptop orchestra, solo performance and gallery installations and is particularly interested in finding ways that the use of digital technology can facilitate novel musical interactions. An integral part of this work is the exploration of the space between composition, performance and improvisation using both the electronic and acoustic sound sources (including traditional instruments).​As a performer, he is also an active member of the free improvisation community in London, in particular as a regular attendee of Eddie Prévosts influential free-improvisation workshops. Find out more about Tim Yates.
SIMON c. Russell
Simon is a freelance musician, teacher, arranger and composer specialising in double bass. Find out more about Simon C. Russell.
Richard Whale
Richard is a Science Mentor and Senior Lecturer at Brighton & Sussex Medical School. Research Fellow, University of Oxford 1996-2000.